Search on Android TV

To find what you’re looking for on Android TV, or to discover more content, you can start a search. You can also get facts and quick answers through your TV.

How to search

If your remote has a microphone

  1. While you are on the Home screen, press the Voice search button Microphone on your remote.
    • If you press the Voice search button on your remote while you’re in an app, you’ll search within the app.
  2. Hold your remote in front of you, and say your question. Your search results appear as soon as you finish speaking.

If your remote doesn’t have a microphone

  1. Scroll to the top of the Home screen and select the Search icon Search. A text window will open.
  2. Move to the right to bring up the onscreen keyboard. 
What you can search for

Check out the examples below to learn about some of the things you can search for on your Android TV.

Note: You can say most of these examples in English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish, and Brazilian Portuguese, but some examples aren't available in every language.


To find a movie, TV show, artist, or song, just say the name: 

  • “Batman” or “Robin Hood.”
  • “Ghostbusters” or “Game of Thrones.”
  • “Billie Jean.”
  • “Matt Damon” or “Madonna.”

You can also:

  • Search for content featuring a certain actor. Say: “Show me movies with Meryl Streep.” 
  • Search for a specific genre. Say: “Romantic comedies.” 
  • Find when movies are playing in theaters. Say: “Show me movies playing nearby” or “Show me movies playing in Hermosa Beach.”

Facts and quick answers

  • Find the time: "What time is it in London?"
  • Check the weather: "What’s the weather in Seattle?"
  • Answer trivia questions: “What’s the population of Romania?” or “How tall is Mount Kilimanjaro?” or “Where was Albert Einstein born?”
  • Solve a math problem: “What’s 34 times 94.”
  • Get sports scores and schedules: “What was the score of the Jets vs. Broncos game?”
  • Search for images: “Show me photos of the Golden Gate Bridge.”

What apps show up in search results

You may also see search results from apps you’ve installed on your Android TV. These results will show up in a separate row. Some search results will be available in few different apps. When you select the content, you’ll be able to choose the app you’d like to use.

Block inappropriate or explicit images with SafeSearch

SafeSearch can help you block inappropriate or explicit images from your Google Search results. The SafeSearch filter isn’t 100% accurate, but it helps you avoid most adult content. Learn more about how SafeSearch works.

Turn SafeSearch on or off

Note: This only turns on SafeSearch on your Android TV.

  1. From Android TV’s Home screen, scroll down until you reach Settings Settings.
  2. Select Settings Settings.
  3. Under “Preferences,” select Search Search. 
  4. Select SafeSearch filter Safesearch filter
  5. Select On or Off.
Change which apps show up in search results

You can choose which apps’ content shows up when you search. When an app is not searchable, you won’t see content from the app in your search results.

Turn searchable apps on or off

  1. On your Android TV device, choose Settings Settings .
  2. Choose Google and then Searchable apps.
  3. Turn an app on or off.
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